First Day of Autumn Starts In:

War Dog Memorial
The Brevard Kennel Club was founded in Cocoa Beach in 1958 for the purpose of protecting and advancing the interests of pure bred dogs. We do this by educating the public on the care, training and benefits of owning pure bred dogs through classes, demonstrations and competitions at which people may observe excellent examples of canine comformation and performance. We promote continuing improvement in health and temperment of all canine breeds by these same competitions, by seminars teaching genetic science for dog breeders and by sponsoring veterinary research. We donate to those organizations which care for the less fortunate dogs and participate in animal relief in times of disaster, such as hurricanes. We work with governmental agencies to see that good laws are enacted and enforced for the protection of all animals and that bad laws that would restrict the individuals right to canine companionship are not.

Dogs have assisted men in their endeavors through the ages in many ways. Primitive societies were aided by dogs in herding, hunting, food gathering and protection. As man’s interests expanded, dogs duties increased. Service dogs see for the blind, hear for the deaf, assist the immobile, comfort the traumatized. And we are proud of all of them. But we are most proud of the dogs who go into battle with our military and law enforcement personnel.

The Brevard Kennel Club is honored to have been able to fund this beautiful monument which will keep Americans mindful of the valor, dedication and sacrifice of war dogs and their handlers made in assuring freedom and security for all Americans.

In addition to shows, matches, CAT, etc. that we do with our dogs,
we have also helped the community:

Funded the War Dog Memorial for Veterans Park

Funded Oxygen masks for animals at all fire stations in Brevard County

Donate regularly to AKC Canine Health Fund

Donate to the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs

Donate to Take the Lead (An organization that helps dog people with serious illnesses)

Purchased books for each public school and public library in Brevard County

Donated books to Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children

Provided free innoculations

Paid taxes for Low Cost Shelter

Paid medical bills for Special Needs Rescue

Funded roof repair for Humane Society

Funded repairs for Humane Society Crematory

Installed Air Conditioning in the Training Center

Insulated ceiling of the Training Center

Assisted Training Center in acquiring mats and agility equipment at a discounted rate

Helped smaller clubs get started

Assist juniors in learning about dog shows and dogs

Provide weekly conformation handling classes

Donated a van load of food to county shelter when they were running out

Sent supplies for Hurricane Katrina

Helped some community people with serious medical illnesses


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