In addition to shows, matches, CAT, etc. that we do with our dogs,
we have also helped the community:
Funded the War Dog Memorial for Veterans Park
Funded Oxygen masks for animals at all fire stations in Brevard County
Donate regularly to AKC Canine Health Fund
Donate to the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs
Donate to Take the Lead (An organization that helps dog people with serious illnesses)
Purchased books for each public school and public library in Brevard County
Donated books to Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
Provided free innoculations
Paid taxes for Low Cost Shelter
Paid medical bills for Special Needs Rescue
Funded roof repair for Humane Society
Funded repairs for Humane Society Crematory
Installed Air Conditioning in the Training Center
Insulated ceiling of the Training Center
Assisted Training Center in acquiring mats and agility equipment at a discounted rate
Helped smaller clubs get started
Assist juniors in learning about dog shows and dogs
Provide weekly conformation handling classes
Donated a van load of food to county shelter when they were running out
Sent supplies for Hurricane Katrina
Helped some community people with serious medical illnesses